Jasper ai utilty scale solar images

Iain here again raving about AI! I just discovered this new website called jasper.ai that lets you generate amazing artwork using just a few clicks. As a solar farm construction manager, I’ve been having some fun creating images of utility-scale solar sites in different artistic styles. The results have blown my mind! The trick is you start by uploading to Jasper.ai any image or asking via it’s text editor. I started with some photos of our 4-acre solar installation in New Zealand with thousands of photovoltaic panels. Then you pick an art style – things like Starry Night, abstract, anime, graffiti and more – and Jasper’s algorithms do the rest. In just seconds it churned out a stunning replica of my solar farm in the iconic swirling colors of Vincent Van Gogh’s masterpieces. Another click had my farm depicted like a surrealist Salvador Dali painting, with melting panels oozing over the desert landscape. My favorite was the dystopian robot version which turned our solar panels into creepy android faces with glowing red eyes! While I probably won’t hang these AI artworks in our headquarters’ lobby, generating them has been incredibly fun and really demonstrates the wild creativity that AI tools can unlock today. Just a few years ago this kind of gorgeous, customized art would have been impossible for regular folks like me to create on their own. But now thanks to Jasper, anyone can channel their inner Picasso or Hokusai! I can’t wait to see how AI will transform art, solar and everything else in the very near future. The possibilities seem endless!