
Welcome to my blog tracing AI’s winding path from sci-fi imagination to headline-grabbing reality! I’ll explore the evolution of artificial intelligence – from pre-computer tales like Fritz Lang’s Metropolis to present-day projects making algorithms more independent than ever before.

Along the way, we’ll unpack questions and controversies swirling around advancing AI:

How have movies both forecasted machine learning breakthroughs and stoked fears around it? Why do tech leaders like Elon Musk warn of existential threats from superintelligent systems while most AI experts dismiss such concerns? And with generative AI like DALL-E and ChatGPT wowing people currently, what does the future hold for life alongside thinking machines?

I aim to provide historical context and a level-headed perspective slicing through both hype and doomsaying. Please join me in following the twisting journey thus far for AI while gazing ahead at the road in front of us!


Heygen ellie

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