What’s going on at Open AI and what’s the beef with Sam Altman?

Man, seems like that AI outfit OpenAI that’s been in the news so much lately just can’t get out of trouble. First it was all the ruckus over them releasing that ChatGPT chatbot that can write eerily human-like. Now there’s been all kindsa drama just in the past week or so with their staff and lead guy Sam Altman. And it’s got this average Joe scratching his head wondering if these genius tech bros really know how to handle what they’ve created.

Now I know OpenAI got started back in 2015 when some Silicon Valley hotshots like Elon Musk and that Sam Altman fella decided to found a nonprofit lab focused on developing artificial general intelligence, or AGI as the geeks call it. Which could be damn impressive or downright scary depending how it goes – but these brainiacs waved off any criticism, saying they’d make sure their AI stayed safe and beneficial.

But seems like dollar signs got in some of their eyes after the huge buzz ChatGPT stirred up – cause suddenly OpenAI transferred ownership to Sam Altman’s shady-sounding startup OpenAI LP. And next thing you know, Microsoft swoops in to buy OpenAI for a cool $10 billion! Not a bad chunk o’change for a so-called nonprofit, eh? Now they got access to all of mighty Microsoft’s cloud data and computing power too. Great…just what an rapidly evolving AI needs to take over the world, right?

Anyway, seems like a lot of OpenAI’s staff weren’t too pleased about these big money moves behind the scenes neither. Matter of fact over 700 employees signed this fiery public letter demanding Altman and the leadership get more transparent about how OpenAI profits are getting invested. And said if their noble nonprofit mission keeps getting undermined by VC and corporate interests…well they’d just take their brainpower somewhere else!

And turns out some of the pioneers who started OpenAI already did bolt to found their own rival lab called Anthropic focused on AI safety. So don’t think most would blink before leaving Sam Altman high and dry! No surprise he came out right quick with his tail between his legs trying to smooth things over, posting a blog response titled “Commitments for OpenAI LP’s Future” where he essentially groveled to regain trust and promise they’ll still operate ethically.

But elsewhere the guy didn’t sound too regretful, posting stuff on social media like: “Very proud of OpenAI’s continued incredible growth” and saying ChatGPT adoption was still accelerating exponentially despite some hiccups. Not sure bragging about rapid unchecked expansion is what nervous employees and watchdogs wanna hear Sam!

And he followed up with a tweet about holding an all-hands meeting but said it was just “the usual Q&A, no big deal.” Which seemed to piss people off even more considering the staff crisis he’s facing! Guy must have no people skills on top of his AI brilliance. There were some leaked audio clips too from internal meetings where Altman comes off as pretty arrogant and dismissive about compromising his profit plans to address employee demands. Not a good look, I tell ya.

Look I ain’t saying OpenAI doesn’t have good intentions advancing AI capabilities for the public good…at least maybe originally before dollar signs clouded their vision. But the righteous (and naive?) nerd act got old quick once huge corporate buyouts came into play. And with all the turmoil lately over transparency and staying true to OpenAI’s charter, seems like the inmates are close to taking over the asylum! So Mr. Samuel Altman better get his house in order before his lab’s scientists decide to play Dr. Frankenstein somewhere else. ‘Cause with AI potentially more world-altering than splitting atoms, no way we can just let petulant tech bro billionaires wield it solely out of ego.

You know that saying about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely? Well if Altman and his cohort attain unchecked power over the most powerfully disruptive technology in human history…well let’s hope we don’t all end up damned!
